Tá athchóiriú iomlán á dhéanamh ag Fios Feasa ar shuíomh gréasáin an chomhluchta faoi láthair. Tá súil againn é a bheith ar fáil beo faoi dheireadh mhí Feabhra.
Idir an dá linn, féadfaidh tú email a sheoladh chugainn ag post@fiosfeasa.com. Chun earraí a ordú uainn, cuir do sheoladh poist chugainn, agus seolfaimíd bróiséir agus foirm órduithe chugat.
Fios Feasa is currently developing an entirely revamped website. We hope to have it live by the end of February.
In the meantime, feel free to send us an email, at post@fiosfeasa.com. To send us an order for our products, send us your postal address, and we will send you a brochure with an order form.